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AUGUST 8, 2022
If near London, don’t miss a rare chance to see Exposing Muybridge on the big screen, where it looks and sounds the best. Screenings this coming weekend at Bertha DocHouse.
AUGUST 2, 2022
We are now live On Demand. Available on many platforms including iTunes, Amazon Prime, Google, YouTube, Vudu and more.
JULY 22, 2022
In the United States and Canada, Exposing Muybridge is COMING AUGUST 2, 2022 ON DEMAND to your cable network and via numerous distributors including iTunes, Amazon Prime Video, YouTube, Google play, VUDU, and more.
PRE-ORDER NOW on iTunes and Amazon.
MAY 31, 2022
Exposing Muybridge will make its international premiere at Sheffield DocFest in the United Kingdom on June 24 and June 26. Sheffield is one of the world’s top documentary film festivals and for a film about the Englishman Eadweard Muybridge a perfect venue for our international curtain raiser. Shortly following Sheffield, on June 28 we will make our Italian premiere at Il Cinema Ritrovato, a prestigious Bologna festival dedicated to the history of cinema, yet another perfect pairing!
MAY 11, 2022
MetFilm Sales will be screening Exposing Muybridge at the Marchè du Film, the largest film market in the world, held in conjunction with the Cannes Film Festival.
APRIL 25, 2022
More chances to see Exposing Muybridge: Minneapolis St. Paul International Film Festival May 9, 10 and 13, UC Santa Barbara May 19, the Center for Creative Photography in conjunction with Tucson Film Fest May 23, and Mendocino Film Festival June 2. Check back for more exciting announcements soon.
APRIL 8, 2022
Exposing Muybridge has been chosen to play both the Milwaukee Film Festival and DocLands, in San Rafael, California. If you are in the neighborhood, come see the show.
APRIL 4, 2022
Check out our new awesome trailer. Thanks to editor Andy Gersh and to Kim B. Christensen for sound design and mix. Even though I’ve seen the film a thousand times, this trailer gets my juices running to see it again.
MARCH 20, 2022
Exposing Muybridge was named this year’s winner of the Writers Guild Award for outstanding documentary screenplay. We are grateful to the Guild for this tremendous honor.
FEBRUARY 4, 2022

Exposing Muybridge will screen at the Boulder International Film Festival in Colorado. Showtimes are Saturday, March 5 at 3:00 PM at the Boulder Theater and at 5:15 PM in the Stewart Auditorium at the Longmont Museum. Sunday, March 6 we will screen at eTownHall at 7:30 PM. Tickets available here.
JANUARY 31, 2022
Exposing Muybridge has been chosen to screen at the “milestone 25th Sonoma International Film Festival March 23-27,” named one of “the 25 coolest film festivals in the world” by MovieMaker Magazine. We can think of no better place to make our West Coast Premiere than at SIFF, just a hop, skip and a jump (or 40 minutes by car) from the San Francisco Bay Area, where Muybridge lived and worked for most of his career. Muybridge photographed in and around Sonoma, including at the Buena Vista Winery, the very first photographs of winemaking in Northern California. Buy tickets and see showtimes via link above.
JANUARY 27, 2022

Exposing Muybridge, written by Marc Shaffer, has been nominated for a 2022 Writers Guild Award for best documentary screenplay. The Guild plays an essential role as an advocate, representative, protector and servant for writers of news, documentary and entertainment programming and we are honored that Guild writers, who vote on the awards, have chosen to recognize our film. It’s an impressive list of nominees this year.
JANUARY 14, 2022
Anyone who sees Exposing Muybridge can’t miss the music. Composer Chad Cannon‘s extraordinary score is elemental to the film, providing texture, injecting energy, amplifying mood, even playing an instrumental role in defining Muybridge and the other central characters. Now, you can have your very own copy of Chad’s sensational soundtrack via Spotify and Apple Music.
JANUARY 7, 2022
Exposing Muybridge has been chosen to screen at the Sedona International Film Festival in spectacular Sedona, Arizona. Showtimes are Monday, February 21 at 7:10 PM and Friday, February 25 at 1:10 PM. Get your tickets here.
DECEMBER 7, 2021
Due to the covid outbreak, the Palm Springs International Film Festival has been canceled. Check back for other opportunities to see Exposing Muybridge at upcoming festivals.
Exposing Muybridge has been chosen by the Palm Springs International Film Festival for inclusion in their 33rd annual festival. The film wills screen Saturday, January 8 at 3 PM, Sunday, January 9 at 7:45 PM, and Sunday, January 16 at 9:45 AM. For more information or to purchase tickets beginning December 22, visit the festival website here.
NOVEMBER 16, 2021
A wonderful time at DOC NYC. So great to share the film with audiences in a theater for the first time. Several best of festival lists included Exposing Muybridge, calling the film “ESSENTIAL”, “MUST SEE”, “WONDERFUL”, “A HIDDEN GEM.” Check back often for exciting news on the horizon, including additional festival screenings in the works. You can still see Exposing Muybridge online through 11/28 by purchasing tickets here.
- At Cinepolis Chelsea
- L-R: Serginho Roosblad, Marta Braun, Luther Gerlach, Byron Wolfe, Marc Shaffer, Elisabeth Haviland James
- IndieWire’s list of MUST-SEE films…
- …includes Exposing Muybridge.
- Marc Shaffer at the Premiere at the IFC Center in NYC
OCTOBER 20, 2021
Finally, you can see it! Nine years in the making, Exposing Muybridge will have its world premiere at the DOC NYC film festival in New York City, with screenings on November 13 and 15, 2021. If you are in the New York City area, please join us. Director Marc Shaffer will have a Q&A after the show and key cast and crew will be on hand to celebrate. For those in the United States, a limited number of tickets are available for purchase to watch online. Spread the word. For more information, and to buy tickets follow this link. Hope to see you there!
AUGUST 24, 2021
Exposing Muybridge a finalist for prestigious award
We are pleased to announce that Exposing Muybridge has been named one of six finalists for the prestigious Library of Congress Lavine/Ken Burns Prize for Film. The annual award, now in its third year, recognizes excellence in historical documentary filmmaking “that is painstakingly researched, rich in archival materials, focusing on inclusive American stories.” The winner and runner-up will be announced at a virtual event on October 26 at 7 PM EST. To register for the ceremony and to learn more about the films being honored, including clips, visit: https://www.thebetterangelssociety.org/library-of-congress-lavine-ken-burns-prize-for-film/. Additional information, including past winners can be seen on the Library of Congress website: https://www.loc.gov/programs/lavine-ken-burns-prize-for-film/film-showcase/.
JULY 7, 2021
Exposing Muybridge is complete
After many years of development, fundraising, production and editing, we are happy to announce that Exposing Muybridge has been completed. We are now submitting to film festivals and seeking wider distribution. If you wish to receive periodic email updates please sign up at the end of the Gary Oldman video on the landing page. Donations are welcome, but not required!
- Finishing touches
- Title
- Celebration
SEPTEMBER 22, 2020
Exposing Muybridge welcomes Executive Producers Nion McEvoy and Leslie Berriman
We are pleased to announce the addition to our core team of Executive Producers Nion McEvoy and Leslie Berriman. When they aren’t executive producing successful documentary films or engaged in arts philanthropy, Nion is the chairman and CEO of the publisher the McEvoy Group, while his partner Leslie is executive editor at textbook publisher Pearson Education. We are excited and honored to have their support.
AUGUST 10, 2020
“What drives the artist? It’s the very air that you breathe.”
—Gary Oldman
Marc Shaffer recently had the opportunity to interview the Oscar winning actor Gary Oldman for Exposing Muybridge. Oldman has penned Flying Horse, a biopic on Muybridge which he hopes to direct and star in. Since learning Muybridge’s story, Oldman has taken up wet plate photography and, with his wife Gisele, has begun collecting Muybridge views and artifacts. Oldman was charming, knowledgable, reflective and provided provocative insights into Muybridge’s character from his perspective as a fellow artist.
- Action!
Gary Oldman
with a prized possession
MAY 25, 2020
Announcing new creative collaborators
In 1888, Eadweard Muybridge pitched famed inventor Thomas Edison a bold idea: Work together to combine Muybridge’s zoopraxiscope, a moving picture projector, with Edison’s sound recording machine, the phonograph. Edison brushed off Muybridge, but dispatched his employee William Dickson to work on a sound film technology and in 1894 Edison rolled out Dickson’s Kinetophone.
Since then, we have discovered that sound and moving pictures are a perfect marriage for telling stories. So we couldn’t be more excited to announce the addition to our team of art director Drew Takahashi and music composer Chad Cannon. Drew previously collaborated with Marc Shaffer on the documentary American Jerusalem: Jews and the Making of San Francisco, transforming the film with his otherworldly animation.
Chad is an exceptionally gifted film composer who most recently scored American Factory, winner of the 2020 Academy Award for feature documentary. For more, visit our production team page.
Please join us in welcoming aboard Drew and Chad.
APRIL 9, 2020
Happy 190th birthday, Eadweard
Were he alive today, Muybridge would be celebrating his 190th birthday. What a long life he would be living! We’re working hard to give him the gift of our documentary.
FEBRUARY 7, 2020
Production update
We are still seeking donations. To give is divine. Visit our donate page.
Director Marc Shaffer just completed a fantastic trek to the U.K, where he conducted a fascinating interview with the author Rebecca Gowers, a distant relative of Harry Larkyns, the man Muybridge shot in cold blood (for which he was acquitted of murder), and author of a pathbreaking new book on the affair, The Scoundrel Harry Larkyns. He also did some important research and networking, including a visit to Muybridge’s hometown, including the not-to-be-missed Kingston Museum, and a pilgrimage to Muybridge’s burial site.
- Rebecca Gowers and Marc Shaffer
- Rebecca Gowers with Murder Coverage
- Marc Shaffer at Muybridge Memorial Marker
- Muybridge Memorial Marker
- The Lone Original Zoopraxiscope. Kingston Museum
- Kingston Coronation Stone
JANUARY 27, 2020
Post-production begins
Exposing Muybridge is excited to welcome award-winning editor Elisabeth Haviland James. James’ critically-acclaimed documentaries have screened in theaters, on PBS and HBO. Appropriately, she is a graduate of the M.A. Program in Documentary Film and Video at Stanford University. James brings the talent and passion certain to yield the full potential of this extraordinary story. We are lucky to have her.
OCTOBER 21, 2019
Exposing Muybridge article published
To learn more about our Muybridge exhibition, read our article in the fall issue of FORUM, the publication of the Alaska Humanities Forum. Click the link: AKHF FORUM article fall 2019.
OCTOBER 6, 2019
Production in full swing
Success! We have completed an exhausting two weeks of production. We had a great time retracing Muybridge’s steps in Yosemite with the photographers Byron Wolfe and Mark Klett. Somehow, we survived our big recreation of the Sallie Gardner galloping horse sequence. Thanks to all who worked to pull this off: Serginho Roosblad, Tim Macmillan, Becky Pederson, John Behrens, Adriano Bravo, Radiant Images, Rooster Productions, Ruth Bley, Heather Lake, Josh LaCanha, Luther Gerlach, Tracy Storer, Leo Shaffer, and more. Below are some production images.
- Tenaya Lake, Yosemite
- John Behrens, with Serginho Roosblad, catching the action at Glacier Point, Yosemite
- Mark Klett and Byron Wolfe enjoy Glacier Point, Yosemite
- Then and now: Photo montage of Muybridge image and modern photograph
- Modern photo array
- Stereo View of horse galloping
- Stereo View of Luther Gerlach as Eadweard Muybridge
- The riddle solved!
- Leo Shaffer and Tracy Storer move a box. Don’t ask.
- Heather Lake as “the Rider” with Campari playing Sallie Gardner
SEPTEMBER 18, 2019
Muybridge in Alaska closes. Production on Exposing Muybridge ramps up
Muybridge in Alaska: 1868 closed its tour with a successful run at the Nolan Center in Wrangell. A final special thanks to Len Walle and Mary Everson for lending original Muybridge images, and to the Alaska Native Heritage Center in Anchorage, the Sheldon Museum in Haines and the Nolan Center in Wrangell for hosting the exhibition.
We are now knee-deep in production on Exposing Muybridge, with an upcoming shoot in Yosemite followed by production of an elaborate motion-sequence recreation involving four different camera technologies spanning the history of photography, from Muybridge’s wet-plate process to 4K video. We continue to seek support, so if you want to contribute to the cause, just hit the donate button on the home page or visit the donate page directly. It’s easy. No donation is too small (or too large).
Check back often for updates.
JULY 20, 2019
Production continues in Alaska
“What is special about Muybridge’s picture is that I can see my soul in the faces of the tribal members there, my grandparents. I feel a yearning for it. It was a gift that was given to me by Muybridge. He gave us a’twoo—our precious thing. That’s what I feel.”
—Richard Jackson, leader of the Tantakwaan Teikweidi clan of the Tlingit people of Tongass. From Exposing Muybridge
JULY 16, 2019
Muybridge in Alaska: 1868 opens in Wrangell
Muybridge in Alaska: 1868 opened in style tonight at the Nolan Center in Wrangell. A crowd of more than 100 people enjoyed drinks, hors d’oeuvres, and a special presentation by curator Marc Shaffer. Local Tlingit authority Virginia Oliver introduced the evening and provided her perspective on the Wrangell photographs. Special thanks to Cyni Crary and the Nolan Center for hosting the show and so much more. The exhibition will be mounted through August. This is the final stop, so the last chance to see the exhibition.
Photographs courtesy of Marc Shaffer and the Wrangell Sentinel.
JUNE 19, 2019
Huge news. At long last, we’ve pulled out cameras and launched production of Exposing Muybridge with a series of provocative, revealing interviews about the enigmatic Mr. Muybridge—camera savant, killer and kook. What more could you ask for in a story? Looking ahead to a busy summer filming in Alaska, Yosemite and the Bay Area. We continue to seek funding to complete our budget, so please consider hitting the “Donate” button and throwing a few dollars, euro, or yen our way. It feels good!
Photographs copyright: Marc Shaffer
MARCH 28, 2019
Muybridge in Alaska: 1868 to open at the Sheldon Museum in Haines April 5
After a successful run at the Alaska Native Heritage Center in Anchorage, Muybridge in Alaska: 1868 will be on display at the Sheldon Museum in Haines, AK, beginning April 5 and running through May 31. If you are in the Haines area, check it out. New locations and dates are in the works, so check back for updates.
JANUARY 26, 2019
Muybridge in Alaska: 1868 debuts to enthusiastic reception
Muybridge in Alaska: 1868 opened today at the Alaska Native Heritage Center in Anchorage. Visitors, including some Tlingit people related to figures in the photographs, were delighted to see these original 1868 Muybridge photographs of Alaska, the first of Tlingit people and of the territory to be widely seen. Visitors appeared to be especially excited to view the photographs through special twinscope viewers, produced by artist Colleen Woolpert, that transform the stereo views into single 3D images. Thanks to Loren Anderson and Stephen Blanchett and the ANHC for hosting the exhibition, and to Angie Demma for production support. We are indebted to our sponsors: the Atwood Foundation, the Alaska Humanities Forum, and the Rasmuson Foundation through the Harper Arts Touring Fund of the Alaska State Council on the Arts. A final shout out to Mary Everson who shared her family’s very rare photograph, inscribed by Muybridge, that features her ancestors, and to Len Walle who lent 16 cherished Muybridge stereo views and has been a valued partner throughout the planning and execution of the show.
Some photographs from the opening. Copyright: Marc Shaffer.
JANUARY 15, 2019
Muybridge in Alaska: 1868 to open with public forum January 26 at the Alaska Native Heritage Center in Anchorage
We are excited to announce that Muybridge in Alaska: 1868, an unprecedented exhibition of Edward Muybridge’s 1868 photography of Tongass, Wrangle (sic) and Sitka, Alaska will premiere Saturday, January 26, 2019 at the Alaska Native Heritage Center in Anchorage. The exhibition will run through the end of March, before traveling to the Sheldon Museum in Haines, Alaska. Stay tuned for news of a possible Sitka stop in early summer 2019. On January 26 from 4-6 PM, the Alaska Native Heritage Center will host a public forum to discuss the photographs. Panelists will include celebrated Tinglit glass artist and musician Preston Singletary, Tlingit authority Tom Harris, University of Alaska anthropologist Dan Monteith, and exhibition organizer and Exposing Muybridge director Marc Shaffer. The exhibition features 16 original Muybridge stereo views on loan from the collection of Leonard A. Walle and a carte de visite photograph inscribed by Muybridge to a Tlingit chief loaned by Mary Everson.
Muybridge in Alaska: 1868 is made possible with financial support from the Atwood Foundation, the Alaska State Council on the Arts, the Alaska Humanities Forum, the host institutions.
JANUARY 3, 2019
Muybridge in Alaska: 1868 Receives Alaska State Arts Grant
The Alaska State Council on the Arts has awarded a Harper Arts Touring Grant to Muybridge in Alaska: 1868. We are grateful to our partner Helen Alten of the Sheldon Museum in Haines for serving as applicant and managing the grant, and to Laura Forbes and the Alaska State Council on the Arts for their generous support.
NOVEMBER 9, 2018
Muybridge in Alaska: 1868 Receives Alaska State Humanities Grant
The Alaska Humanities Forum has awarded Inside Out Media a grant to support Muybridge in Alaska: 1868, an unprecedented exhibition of original Muybridge views of Alaska. Taken by Muybridge in August 1868, these are the earliest photographs of Tlingit people, of Southeast Alaska, and are the first of the territory to be widely seen. Muybridge in Alaska: 1868 will go on display at the Alaska Native Heritage Center in Anchorage beginning in January 2019, before traveling to the Alaskan towns of Haines and Sitka in the spring and summer.
SEPTEMBER 24, 2018
Splitting the Second is now Exposing Muybridge
We have renamed our documentary and virtual reality project Exposing Muybridge, retiring our original working title, Splitting the Second. We can’t promise we won’t rename the project one last time as we got closer to release (still a long ways down the road), but we like Exposing Muybridge for its reference to photography, to Muybridge’s penchant for getting naked in front of the camera, for the inclusion of “Muybridge” in the title, and because it captures our mission to reveal a deeper meaning to Muybridge’s life and work, one that says as much about us as it does about him. Tell us what you think by emailing us at [email protected].
AUGUST 8, 2018
Splitting the Second Awarded NEH Production Grant
The National Endowment for the Humanities has awarded Inside Out Media $500,000 towards production of Splitting the Second. We are proud to be one of just three applicants this funding cycle to be selected for NEH documentary production support. Thank you to the NEH and to the U.S. taxpayers who support this essential cultural institution! #NEHGrant
MARCH 22, 2018
Muybridge in Alaska: 1868. Unprecedented Exhibit of Original Muybridge Stereo Views Receives Major Grant
Through the extraordinary generosity of a private collector, we are mounting an unprecedented exhibit of original Muybridge stereograms of Alaska to travel to various museums across the state. Muybridge’s photographs are the first of Tlingit people, and of the Anglos who settled or were stationed in SE Alaska. They are among Muybridge’s earliest work. This summer will mark the 150th anniversary of the making of these historic images that capture Alaska at the dawn of a new American age. We are pleased to announce that the Atwood Foundation has awarded us a major grant to support the creation of the exhibit. For more information, or if you would like to help, contact Marc Shaffer: 510-468-4610
AUGUST 2, 2017
Splitting the Second Awarded NEH Grant
Splitting the Second has been awarded a rare and prestigious NEH development grant.